How should ICT test needles be maintained?
Publisher: Administrator Date:2020-04-24
ICT testing is an important part of the quality control of electronic factories during the production process, so how should the ICT test needle be maintained during use?
Use preventive maintenance-keeping your ICT test needle away from contaminants is the best way!
1. Environmental maintenance
The test environment is the main contributor to soiling the test needle. Airborne contaminants, like dust, can fall on the needle and cause contact problems. A good environmental protection will ensure the cleanliness of the test needle.
2. Dust jacket
Many metallurgical tools factories provide dust jackets to prevent empty dirt from falling on the test needles and needle tubes. Especially vacant or unused tools. In a vacuum metallurgical tool, dust will settle around the test board and will be directly sucked into the test needle when using the vacuum instrument.
3. Process control
There is another factor to consider when testing the PCB board. Testing a too thick rosin board will not only cause bad electrical contact, but also retain the rosin on the test pin to cause the next test. A good process control is very important to reduce the rosin on the PCB.
4. Wipe
Using an anti-static brush is the safest and fastest method. The metal brush may damage the needle or the coating, causing unsatisfactory test results.
5. Needle
In some cases, it is not only necessary to clean with a brush, so using other types of solvents or cleaning agents will be the last alternative. The recommended method is to remove the test needle from the metallurgical tool as long as the needle is cleaned, bundle it together and soak the needle in the shallow detergent for about five minutes, wipe it with soft hair, remove the residue, and then dry it , So that you can install it back to continue testing.
6. Stain cleaning
It is not recommended to use solvent to clean the test needle or use solvent soak to clean the stain. Because the solvent may wash off and carry particles into the contact surface of the test needle tube and invade the inner wall of the test needle, it will not greatly cause an excessive increase in impedance.
7. Test needle cleaning
Keeping the test needle clean is the most effective way to greatly reduce the failure rate.